About us
Welcome to the website for St James’ Church, Selby. You can find our church building in the heart of Selby at the end of Audus Street, just off Gowthorpe.
If you’re here on our website because you’d like to visit the church, whether it’s for a wedding, a baptism, or for a Sunday service, please do come along! We would love to meet you, and you would be very welcome at our church. Our services are all about encountering God and discovering God's plan for our lives. We aim to be a community of people who share God’s love with everyone that we meet.
The people who go to St James’ are a friendly bunch, and we love to see new people joining the church. Our services are informal, lively and easy to engage in. No two services are the same. Details of our services and when we meet are shown on the ‘services and worship’ page.
The congregation of St James’ is made up of many different people of different ages and backgrounds, including many families with school age children. We also hold services for elderly and infirm people in local nursing homes.
As Christians, we believe we have a firm duty to love our neighbour, and help people. As well as meeting in Selby town centre, St James’ Edge Community is a growing Christian community meeting every Sunday in the Children's Centre on the Flaxley Road Estate. Edge Community aims to live out the Christian faith in a practical and down-to-earth way on The Flaxley Road estate, bringing church and community together, and building relationships with local people.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch, please contact the parish office on 01757 709678 parish.office.stjames@gmail.com
Jason Reid